The French temporary worker’s agency sector has heures supplémentaires en intérim. The development of the transport and logistics sector has contributed to the expansion of this industry. Pays-de-la-Loire recorded a 2.6% increase, while PACA and Centre Val-de-Loire saw a 0.8% increase. Ile-de-France and Burgundy-Franche-Comt saw a decline of 12.7% and 9.4% respectively.
The Business Of The Temporary Workers Agency In France
The temporary workers agency (TAW) sector in France is regulated, and the use of these services is allowed by the state. The TAW industry is governed by a number of rules to ensure quality and fairness in the exchange of workers and companies. Among these are the equal treatment of temporary employees and permanent employees, as well as equal pay. The end of assignment compensation is also designed to compensate for the instabilities inherent in temporary work agencies.
The temporary agency work in France is regulated. By law, TW agencies outside of France may only temporarily assign employees to user enterprises. However, the TW agencies must follow certain rules in order to avoid infringements on the rights of temporary workers and the interests of the employer. In addition, the law prohibits the hiring of labour without a fixed contract, and it differentiates fixed-term contracts from temporary ones. The TW agencies themselves are required to provide an insurance coverage for the workers they hire.