An empirical study based on poll data from 290 temporary work agency labor organizations in Germany reveals that increased training intensity for agency staff and better agency certification rates are related to the success of staffing organizations in the German labour market. Training intensity is also higher for highly qualified temporary agency staff compared to agency employees who have not had significant training. In addition, training is also positively correlated with the level of competition for temporary agency staff in the German labour market. The study also indicates that the role of the training agency in the success or failure of a firm in the German labour market depends primarily on whether it can successfully tailor training programs to fit the particular needs of its clientele. Find out:
Training intensity for temporary agency staff in public employment services is high, as these employees are categorized as ‘high-ability’. According to the study, high-ability agency staffs need more intensive training than low-skill agency staff. The study further indicated that this requirement is particularly driven by public service requirements, which are determined by government policy. In public employment services, where unemployment is high, low-skill workers are under-utilized and even forced to leave the workforce because they are over-qualified. High-ability, low-cost agencies may therefore be less likely to hire low-skilled workers who would otherwise benefit the unemployed workers, thereby helping the unemployed workers find jobs in the public employment services.
According to another study, a high percentage of agency workers in the pharmaceutical industry underestimate their job assignments even when they know what they are expected to do. This results in them taking steps to curb their mistakes, resulting in them taking less than the job assignments as specified. These errors lead to poor quality of work. Therefore, staffing agencies should take steps to ensure that agency staffs understand their job assignments.