attic insulation creates an impenetrable seal that is highly effective at preventing air leakage. This is a common source of energy loss and one of the main reasons for high energy bills, drafts and uncomfortable temperatures in homes and businesses. By insulating with spray foam, homeowners can lower their energy usage and save thousands in utility bills over the lifetime of the home.
Breaking Ground: The Technology Behind New Generation Spray Foam Insulation
This type of insulation also prevents water leaks in walls and ceilings, which can be a major contributor to mold, mildew, and dampness. The foam expands to many times its liquid volume, filling in the small cracks and gaps that would allow moisture to enter a home or business. This helps to eliminate the need for dehumidifiers and other appliances that work to remove excess moisture from a building, saving money on electricity bills in the long term.
Another major benefit of spray foam insulation is that it can help to keep conditioned air inside a property. This will save money on energy bills, as the heating and cooling systems do not need to work as hard to maintain a comfortable temperature. This can lead to savings of up to 30% compared to traditional fiberglass insulation, as well as reduce the need for space heaters and other electrical-powered climate control devices.
It is important to note that the process of applying spray foam insulation can involve some dangerous chemicals. Both the isocyanate and polyol resin are toxic when mixed together, so professional contractors need to be equipped with gloves, goggles, a face mask, and respiratory apparatus. However, new blowing agents for spray polyurethane foam are significantly less toxic and do not release the isocyanate into the environment. This new technology is called HFO Demilec and a number of companies are beginning to use it in their spray foam products.